First attempt:
On June 25 1934, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was in Pune along with his wife, Kasturba Gandhi, to deliver a speech at Corporation Auditorium. They were traveling in a motorcade of two cars. En route, they came across a railway level crossing. The car in which the couple was traveling was delayed and the first car reached the auditorium. Just when the first car arrived at the auditorium, a huge bomb was thrown, which exploded near the car. This caused grievous injury to the Chief Officer of the Pune Municipal Corporation, two policemen and seven others. Nevertheless, no account or records of the investigation nor arrests made can be found. Gandhi's secretary, Pyarelal Nayyar believes that the attempt failed due to lack of planning and co-ordination.
Second attempt:
Gandhi's ashes are also interred at the Aga Khan's palace in Pune, where he had been imprisoned from 1942 to 1944, and where his wife and secretary had died.
The second attempt on the life of Mahatma Gandhi may not have been an attempt to assassinate as much as a demonstration of anger by an angry young man who tried to bow down to the great soul Gandhi and was rejected. In May 1944, Gandhi was sent from Agha Khan Palace prison and soon after he contracted malaria. On the advice of doctors, he took a vacation to Panchgani, a hill station near Pune. During his stay at Panchgani, Gandhi was staying at Dilkush Bungalow. A group of 15-20 young men came to Panchgani after realizing that Gandhi was staying there. This young crowd, led by Nathuram Godse, came through a chartered bus. These youth held a day long protest demonstration, but declined to talk with Gandhi when invited. However, by evening, during the prayer meeting, Nathuram Godse rushed towards Gandhi with a dagger shouting anti-Gandhi slogans. He was unable to reach Gandhi as he was overpowered by Mani Shankar Purohit (proprietor of Surti Lodge, Pune) and D. Billare Guruji of Satara (who later became a Congress legislator from Mahabaleshwar).
The documentary evidence of this attack can be found in the depositions made by Mani Shankar Purohit and D.Billare Guruji before the Kapoor Commission set up to investigate the assassination of Gandhi. However, the Kapoor Commission rejected this theory as many of the close associates of Gandhi were not present during that time.
Third attempt:
The third attempt was also a demonstration. However, people who testified before the Kapoor Commission referred it as an attempt to murder. Mahatma Gandhi began his talks with Mohammad Ali Jinnah on 9 September 1944 which lasted for 14 days. While leaving for Mumbai from Sevagram Ashram, a group of Hindu activists stopped him. They did not want him to go to Mumbai to hold talks with Jinnah, however, these protesters were stopped by volunteers of the ashram.
The leader of this group, Nathuram Godse, was again found in possession of a dagger. The policeman who found the dagger then looked up to him and joked, "Why do you want to kill Gandhi? Let's leave it to the leaders themselves... perhaps (Veer) Savarkar will finish off the job!" At which Godse retorted, "Gandhi does not require such an honour. Even the jamadar (sweeper) is enough for that!"
Dr. Sushila Nayyar testified to this effect before the Kapoor Commission and she considered this an attempt at assassination. This incident has also been portrayed in the film Gandhi by Sir Richard Attenborough. However, it is not portrayed as an attempt to murder but as a peaceful demonstration in which the demonstrators were waving black flags.
Fourth attempt:
June 29, 1946, the train carrying Mahatma Gandhi called Gandhi Special derailed between Neral and Karjat stations of Mumbai Section. The report submitted by the motorman or driver of the train claimed that boulders were placed on the tracks of the train, with the intention to derail it. The train had crashed into the boulders. The Pune police claimed that the boulders were placed by looters to stop trains carrying goods. The police have not disclaimed sabotage. Since the Gandhi Special was the only train on that route at that time, and there were no goods trains on the section, either before or after, it is plausible that Gandhi must have been the target.
By the grace of God I have escaped from the jaws of death seven times. I have not hurt anybody nor do I consider anybody to be my enemy. I can’t understand why there are so many attempts on my life. Yesterday's attempt on my life has failed. I will not die just yet. I aim to live till the age of 125.
– Mohandas K. Gandhi, at a prayer meeting in Pune.
Fifth attempt:
A group photo of people accused in Gandhi's murder case. Standing: Shankar Kistaiya, Gopal Godse, Madanlal Pahwa, Digambar Badge (Approver). Sitting: Narayan Apte, Vinayak D. Savarkar, Nathuram Godse, Vishnu Karkare
On January 30, 1948, Madanlal Pahwa, Shankar Kistaiya, Digambar Badge, Vishnu Karkare, Gopal Godse , Nathuram Godse, and Narayan Apte came to Birla Bhavan (aka Birla House) in Delhi to carry out another attack on Mahatma Gandhi. Except for Madanlal Pahwa and Vishnu Karkare, everyone else reached the venue through the rear entrance in a cab. (Surjeet Singh was the cab driver). Madanlal Pahwa tried to bribe Choturam, the driver at Birla Bhavan, to let him go behind the podium to take pictures of Gandhi. However, Choturam became suspicious and asked Madanlal Pahwa why he needed photographs from behind, and inquired about the absence of a camera. Madanlal Pahwa instead left, making Choturam think he was going back to the taxi; however, he placed a cotton ball enclosing a bomb on the wall behind the podium and ignited it. The bomb went off without creating any panic. The team had left after abandoning Madanlal Pahwa.
Gandhi and Jinnah in Bombay, September 1944
On interrogation, Madanlal Pahwa admitted that he was part of a seven member gang who wanted to kill Gandhi. The plan was that Madanlal Pahwa would explode a bomb as close to the podium as possible while Digambar Bagde or Shankar Kishtaiyya would shoot Gandhi in the head during the ensuing panic and stampede, using the chaotic situation to cover their escape. (Vishnu Karkare was to compound the chaos by hurling hand grenades.) Faced with Choturam's suspicious attitude, Digambar Bagde decided at the last minute not to act, and instructed Shankar Kishtaiyya (his servant) to do the same.
Later, Madanlal Phawa led the police to the Marina Hotel where Nathuram Godse and Narayan Apte had been staying and also to Sharief Hotel where all other gang members had been staying. Everyone had left by that time and the police were only able to recover some letters and clothes which had the initials "NVG" on it. By this time they were able to ascertain that the members of that team were from Maharashtra; however they were not able to establish the identity and the involvement of Nathuram Godse.
During the Mahatma Gandhi murder trial, Madanlal Pahwa was identified by Mrs. Sulochana Devi, who had come to Birla Bhavan in search of her three year old son (who used to play in the servant quarters). She was the fifteenth witness in the trial, and Surjeet Singh, the driver, was the fourteenth witness.
Is it true that on the day of the bomb blast during the search of the room at Marina Hotel clothes were found bearing the initials N.V.G. – Nathuram Vinayak Godse -? On the basis of which the police went to Bombay and requested the Bombay police to look for this person, the Bombay police assured the Delhi police to do the needful and asked them to return, but did nothing. Is it true that the Bombay Police failed in tracing Nathuram Vinayak Godse?
– Balkrishna Sharma, during the debate on murder of Mahatma Gandhi in the Constituent Assembly of India.
To comment on matters under investigation is both difficult and unwarranted. I can only say that after the arrest and interrogation of the bomber, an officer of Delhi police went to Bombay and briefed the C.I.D. in Bombay. After the briefing, it was decided that some people should be arrested but to arrest them immediately would lead to the other conspirators going underground. So the Delhi police and Bombay C.I.D. decided to defer the arrests for some time to enable them to uncover the conspiracy and all who were involved in it. It is true that the police were on a look out for them but all of them were not in Bombay
– Sardar Patel, during the debate on murder of Mahatma Gandhi in the Constituent Assembly of India.
If I am to die by the bullet of a mad man, I must do so smiling. There must be no anger within me. God must be in my heart and on my lips.
– Mohandas K. Gandhi, January 28, 1948, two days prior to his assassination.
After the failed attempt at Birla House, Nathuram Godse and Narayan Apte returned to Pune via Mumbai (Bombay). With the help of Dr. Dattatraya Parchure and Gangadhar Dandavate, Nathuram Godse and Narayan Apte purchased a Beretta Semi-automatic firearm and eleven rounds of ammunition at Gwalior and reached Delhi on January 29, 1948, checking into the Retiring room No. 6 at Delhi Railway Station. On January 30, 1948, at 5:17 p.m., Nathuram Godse got close enough to Mahatma Gandhi and shot him three times in his chest at point-blank range.
Shri Dharam Jit Jigyasu gave an account of the events to Muni Jaitly, his grandson, in 2000. He was standing next to the assassin, Nathuram Godse, when all who were present kneeled before Gandhi to greet him.
Godse shot Gandhi three times. Dharam Jit Jigyasu heard Gandhi utter the words, "Hai ram [Oh God] ... Hai ram ... Hai Ram" as he hit the ground.
Controversy over last words:
The last word(s) uttered by Mahatma Gandhi are still a matter of debate. Venkita Kalyanam, former personal assistant to Mr. Gandhi, said that he was present at the spot and Gandhi did not utter a single word.
New Delhi's Tughlak Road police station's assistant sub-inspector Dhalu Ram recorded Nand Lal Mehta's statement
...suddenly a man, who was later identified as Nathu Ram Godse took steps out of the crowd and fired three shots at Mahatma. Bullets hit him on the stomach and chest. Mahatma fell down saying Ram-Ram...
– Nand Lal Mehta, in the First Information Report recorded on January 30, 1948, at 9.45 p.m.
In the First Information Report there is no statement that any doctor was called. There has been no explanation of why he was not rushed to hospital and was instead taken to Birla House, where he died later.
* Nathuram Vinayak Godse
* Narayan Dattatraya Apte
* Vishnu Ramkrishna Karkare
* Madanlal Kashmirilal Pahwa
* Shankar Kistaiya
* Gopal Vinayak Godse
* Digambar Ramchandra Badge
* Dattatraya Sadashiv Parchure
* Gangadhar Dandavate
* Gangadhar Jadhao
* Suryadeo Sharma
A group photo of people accused in Gandhi's murder case. Standing: Shankar Kistaiya, Gopal Godse, Madanlal Pahwa, Digambar Badge (Approver). Sitting: Narayan Apte, Vinayak D. Savarkar, Nathuram Godse, Vishnu Karkare
Irrespective of the Gopal Godse's opinion on Gandhi, it is a fact that Gandhi is indeed a hypocrate. He openly criticised Congress members for electing Subhash Chandra Bose as its party president (Remember that the person 'Pattabhi Seetharamaiah' nominated by Gandhi obtained only single digit votes), which finally led Bose to leave to pursue his own path. He also helped British Govt to hang Bhagat Singh few days earlier in order to oppress
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